Center Hours: Thurs through Sun noon-4:00 p.m.
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Wednesday June 5, 2024 · 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
Cost: $45
Limited to 15 participants (A minimum of five participants is needed for this workshop.)
Venue: Zoom

In this workshop, Beating the Numbers Game: Submissions Strategies led by Amber Wheeler Bacon, we discuss what it’s like as a literary magazine editor moving through the slush pile: sins we’re willing to forgive, and those we’re not. We’ll also explore tools to finding literary magazines that are a best fit for your work, how to rate them, and when to submit to what. Finally, we’ll look at strategies for submitting to contests. If submitting your work is in part a numbers game, then this class is about figuring out your best odds.

This virtual workshop will be held via Zoom on June 5, 6:00-8:00 p.m., limited to 15 participants. (A minimum of 5 needed to hold the class.) $45/person.

Learn more and register at

Website: Facebook Event Page

About our instructor:

Amber Wheeler BaconAmber Wheeler Bacon is a writer and teacher whose work has appeared in Crazyhorse, Ecotone, Epiphany, Five Points, Prairie Schooner and Witness. You can find her writing online at Ploughshares and CRAFT. She’s the recipient of the 2018 Breakout Writers Prize sponsored by The Author’s Guild and a 2021 Bread Loaf scholarship. She received the 2022 Lit/South Award for flash fiction, a 2023 Prairie Schooner Award and was a finalist for the 2023 Chautauqua Janus Prize, nominated by Ecotone Magazine.

Amber has an MFA from Bennington College and teaches English at Coastal Carolina University. She’s been a fiction editor at Four Way Review, Managing Editor for South Carolina Writers Association publications and a daily editor at the Southern Review of Books. She lives by the beach in South Carolina and is represented by Amy Bishop-Wycisk at Trellis Literary Management.


This program and others like this would not be possible without your financial help for which, as always, Pat Conroy Literary Center gratefully thanks you.

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