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Writers’ Residency Current Resident

Kaye Wilkinson Barley – Fall 2023 Writers’ Resident

Kaye Wilkinson Barley

Congratulations to Kaye Wilkinson Barley, the newly selected recipient of our Pat Conroy Literary Center’s Fall 2023 Writer’s Residency! We look forward to welcoming Kaye to our beloved Beaufort for her week at the MarshSong cottage, overlapping with our 8th annual Pat Conroy Literary Festival.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley lives with her husband, Don, and their corgi, Annabelle, in the mountains of North Carolina. Kaye is a voracious reader and lover of books, a long-time blogger, an amateur photographer, a dabbler in mixed media collages, and a fiddler of fiber arts. She is the author of the novel Whimsy (for which she plans to write a sequel), and she is also a contributing writer to the Western North Carolina regional anthologies Clothes Lines and Women’s Spaces, Women’s Places.

About the Residency

The nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center offers a Writer’s Residency twice annually—typically in early March and early November, conjoined to our March Forth program and our Pat Conroy Literary Festival respectively. The residency is available to writers of all genres, published or unpublished, unless otherwise noted in the specific call for applications. Located on a salt marsh on St. Helena Island, approximately 15 minutes from historic downtown Beaufort, the residency cottage provides an inspirational, creative space in the heart of Pat Conroy’s beloved lowcountry for a stay of eight days.

The features of this astonishing place are too many to list here… Aside from an immaculate presence with all the amenities a residence must have this place has also a pool.  You can see the tranquility of the location at this page… The selected writer must provide her or his own transportation. Residency is for the writer only; no guests or pets allowed.

Questions: contact@patconroyliterarycenter.org